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Is Your Hair Salon Closed Due to Pandemic?

Updated: Oct 10, 2021

Here´s how you can still take care of your hair – even at home!

Oh, 2020 and 2021!

 These years are a huge challenge for people who color their hair, get it done on a regular basis and just overall take good care of their hair with professionals. It was also last year that we saw an increase of bangs, hair coloring and cutting ( all at home) – everyone got their “let´s be a hairdresser for one day moment” and we got some great results – others, not so much – beginners luck, I guess. Instead of cutting and going all “rebel” on your hair, here are some tips to increase growth, hydration and overall hair health at home.

Wash your hair every 2-3 days

You might as well give this a try, if you´re working from home. Washing your hair every day will deregulate your natural hair oils. Of course this will depend on your hair type, texture and scalp, but still, most of them don´t need to be washed daily. It´s still a personal choice and you have the last word – if you have very thin hair and workout every day you might need more often shampooing. Nevertheless, its ok to go a few more days without shampooing your hair.

Hydrate – inside and out

Your hair might be damaged or dry – and hydration does not come only from hair masks – it comes from within first – so make sure to drink plenty of water throughout your days. If you´re not a fan of water, try tea or infusions or even ingredients that contain plenty of water, like watermelon or cucumber.

Heat Protect Your Hair

If you´re using hair straighteners or curling irons , make sure to use a proper heat protector before styling them. Think of them as your skin when you´re going to the beach – it needs protection from all of that heat otherwise you´re going to get big burns.

Good Diet, Good Hair

Honestly, a lot of your hair health comes from your nutrition – eating the right nutrients might help your hair growth, shine and strength. Natural ingredients and super foods are great for those – berries, spinach, eggs, avocados and nuts, for example. Stick to a more natural food diet instead of processed foods and you will notice big changes on your hair.

Yes, genetics also play a role on your hair but it´s not the only factor so don´t be bummed if yours isn´t the best – you can still have a main part on taking care of it. Closed salons are waiting for you to come as soon as they open, but in the meanwhile, take good care of it – the results will be even better.

Also, good products play a big role here – you´re taking care of your hair and I deserves the best – we are in love with Braliz Collection for Home Care– they are professional products designed for normal people – you deserve the best care ( even at home).

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